What to Wear To An Interview: Outfit Ideas For Men & Women

We all desire to create the best impression in our job interview, right?
And what could be better than attiring for the job you’re applying for?
According to a renowned career consulting company – CV Maker, dressing professionally can show the recruiter that you’re concerned about the job, and at the same time, perfect at presenting yourself.
And it makes sense: 50% of first impressions are intent by how you dress and walk through the door, and 60% of recruiters say clothes are a deciding element between two applicants. But no one ever guides you on what it is exactly that you should wear to an interview. We are here to fix that!
As it is a very famous saying, “You can have anything you desire in life just by dressing for it.”
Picking the right outfit, though, isn’t all that simple. There isn’t any one-size-fits-all formula on what to dress for your job interview.
If you want to leave a long-lasting impression by dressing on point then this blog is for you.
We’re going to explain to you how to attire up on point for every single job interview.
6 Important Interview Attire Tips
The right interview attire can assist you feel professional and confident. Here are a few important tips on how to dress up for your next job interview.
Dress According To The Company’s Dress Code
If you’re struggling to decide what to wear for the job interview, do a little investigation for yourself. Find out what the company culture is and how people dress on a typical day at the office. In this way, you can decide on outfits that fit in with the firm’s culture and style.
To do that, you can search the company’s social media, website or pages and go through their pictures. How are people dressing up there? Are you left with the impression that the organization is casual, professional, or something in between?
Or, you can directly ask someone you know working in the company about the dress code in the organization. You can also ask if the interview is going to be formal or is it going to be an informal interview.
Put On Your Outfit A Few Days Before The Interview
Not putting on your interview attire for more than a week, or even more terrible, choosing what to dress on the day of the interview is a very horrible idea. This way, you risk striking into a lot of out-of-the-blue closet malfunctions.
Getting rid of wrinkles, trying to clean a stain, or searching for that one missing button you forgot about, is very problematic if you have to do it at the last moment.
Make sure to put on your outfit a few days before your interview to avoid making your interview more stressful than it already is. This way, you can get rid of any outfit emergencies beforehand, unlike other unforeseeable interview situations.
Be Cautious With Your Accessory Choice
If you like expressing yourself through your makeup, jewellery, hairstyle, or any other accessories, you might desire to tone it down for the job interview.
Colors that are too shiny or necklaces and bracelets that grasp together and divert your recruiter from what you have to say will not work in your favor.
The same rule is implemented when it comes to choosing a tie, belt, bag, or briefcase. Ensure that they’re neat, simplistic, and in the modest color range. This way, you become the focus of attention and the hiring manager can focus on your words and not your fashion sense.
One more thing to keep in mind is your fragrance choice. We suggest either keeping it very subtle or not using it at all. Because you never know if someone is allergic to fragrance.
How To Dress On An Interview For Men
Suit & Tie
Suit & Tie is the traditional and classical interview outfit choice for men. If you’re going for a senior role in management, or just at an organization with a strict dress code like Law Firm, banking, etc. Suite & Tie is an ideal choice.
If you don’t want to wear a typical black suit and white shirt, you can opt for a grey suit and a light blue shirt.
Or if you want to be a little creative then opt for a cardigan or sweater underneath as long as it’s not +50° outside, anyway.
Wear neat, polished, and comfortable shoes that are in dark color.
And don’t forget to wear socks that match your pants and shoes’ color. If you are wearing black shoes, don’t wear white socks. They might not be visible when you’re standing but once you sit down, everyone will notice them.
How To Dress On An Interview For Women
Button-down Shirts & Trousers
A button-down shirt is a perfect choice when it comes to appearing professional. You can pick from the classic white or black shirt, or opt for pink or light blue. When it comes to the material of the fabric, you have multiple choices from linen, cotton, silk, and chiffon. Just make sure you feel super comfortable in it!
Pair up that shirt with fashionable trousers and you will get a very classy professional look at your interview.
A job interview is not the place to try on your new wedge heels. You don’t want to slip or walk awkwardly around the office because you can hardly remain balanced on your high heels.
So, opting for low heels or closed-toe flats that you know are cosy for sure is your perfect choice. Also, make sure they look representable, do not scrape, and are a neutral colour that best matches the rest of your dress.
Frequently Asked Questions
How should a male dress for a job interview?
If they are business formal, wear black shoes, a dark suit, a smart shirt and a tie. Also, if organizations have already mentioned dressing in business attire, then opt for chinos or smart trousers, smart shoes, a shirt, and a blazer. Moreover, if they have mentioned dressing in business casual, then opt for dark-tailored chinos or jeans, a shirt, neat shoes, and a jumper.
Which outfit should I avoid for an interview?
Casual dress codes are the new standard in modern workplaces, but that doesn’t mean you can wear casual outfits to an interview wearing sweatpants, flip-flops, and a graphic tee. Ripped jeans, shorts, and sports attire like workout tanks and yoga pants are also a no-go for most interviews.
Can I dress in black for an interview?
Black is exclusive and modest, but also powerful and austere. While this might go well for a top managerial role, it would be too ‘cold’ wearing it to entry-level position interviews or for customer-facing roles. This will make you look too much like a try-hard.
Key Takeaways
The above guidelines will assist you choose an outfit that is suitable for any specific interview situation. The best approach is always to dress up a little better than the current employees are dressing. This will portray that you are interested in the position and that you are confident with the way that you carry yourself.
No matter what you choose make sure that you are comfortable in what you are wearing. Being uncomfortable in your clothes could cause you to look awkward and nervous. Remember first impressions are lasting impressions.